Àmhailteach, 49, making odd gesticulations. ’S e àmhailteach agus seanruigeach an aon rud. [Fr. Allan indicates MH vocalised].
ÀMHAILT, 91, trick, design, plan. ’S ann ’na cheann a tha na h-àmhailtean.
SEANRAIGEACH, 85, gille seanraigeach, said of a lad who passes his working hours without doing much, frittering and pottering. 49: ‘S e duin’ àimhuilteach agus duine seanraigeach an aon rud, (D. M’Millan, Eriskay). See Àmhuilteach, 49. [Sianruigeach (Barra). N.S.] [Stubborn, said of an animal that will not budge or of a young person who will not do a thing at the first bidding. Opposite of ‘iasgaidh’. J.M.] [Cf. ceanraig].
Dwelly has àmhuilteach as “antic, buffoon, harlequin” or “strategist, cunning fellow”. But amhuilt can also be “wild gesticulation”.