Tha sgòrnanach aig Dwelly air wide-throated, bronchial and guttural.
“Bhiodh tu a’ tacadh air rudeigin agus dh’fheumadh tu rudeigin a chur a-mach ás do bheul.” [Uibhist a-Deas] “Tha thu ag obair air, clearing your throat,” [Éirisgeigh].
Chòrd an earrann seo rium, bho leabhar-latha Mhaighstir Ailein, Di-Haoine 15 an Dàmhair 1897. Chan eil e a’ cleachdadh an fhacail sgòrnaich ach nan robh i sa Ghàidhlig tha mi cinnteach gum biodh e air a chur ann:
“Evening Service very well attended. Instruction on Venial sin, Arvismet and Bp.Hay. Poor old Fionnaghal with her time-honoured cough incessantly distracted and interrupted me – I never met her equal in tussification. She is unquestionably the Empress of the coughing world. Let her tussificate to her lungs’ content! Poor soul, she know she provokes comment and it is edifying to see her come to the devotions in spite of that and of her bad health.”