The sgòrn or sgòrnan is the throat, windpipe, gullet; sgòrnanach is in Dwelly’s as wide-throated, bronchial and guttural.
“You’d choke on something and you’d have to spit something out of your mouth.” [South Uist] “You’re working on it, clearing your throat,” [Eriskay].
I can’t resist adding here a passage from Fr Allan’s diary, on Friday 15 October 1897, where he doesn’t use the word sgòrnaich but if it was in Gaelic I’m sure he would have:
“Evening Service very well attended. Instruction on Venial sin, Arvismet and Bp.Hay. Poor old Fionnaghal with her time-honoured cough incessantly distracted and interrupted me – I never met her equal in tussification. She is unquestionably the Empress of the coughing world. Let her tussificate to her lungs’ content! Poor soul, she know she provokes comment and it is edifying to see her come to the devotions in spite of that and of her bad health.”